“Twerk Miley, Miley, Miley!” SWRC Joins the Ranks of Secular Business Practices By Dumping Senior Ministers July 13, 2014

mileycyrusIf you had a television or radio last year you couldn’t turn to any channel or station without hearing about the risqué performance on the MTV music awards. Miley Cyrus, beloved american teenager and role model stepped out in a very historic lewd performance with Robin Thicke…demonstrating the “twerk.” Twitter was booming with comments of astonishment and shock at how the industry could promote such a highly sexually driven and clearly 360 degree turn of this young singer/actresss. My thoughts were, why is everyone so shocked! We have seen this turn with so many young actresses/singers who choose to break out and display their sexuality for the public. From Michael and Janet Jackson to  Britney Spears, to name a few. I couldn’t get over why this was so shocking, young entertainers exposed to this business learn one predominant factor, SEX SALES. If they want to make money and stay relevant in this business they must sale the one thing that should be guarded as private and personal.jayz Jay-Z said it best in a song he titles Somewhereinamerica, in his album titled Magna Carta, essentially the gist of his comment…..only in America can a Caucasian teenager “twerk” on national television and gain notoriety when  African-Americans invented the “twerk” many years ago. Jay-Z a.k.a. Sean Carter says….”twerk, twerk Miley, Miley, Miley, Miley,” with humor and laughter at the hypocritical approach of the entertainment industries obvious and overt methods to take black cultural music and brand it as a white cultural phenomenon. Well, my friends this is the direction and road our conference is headed as it relates to our new approach to business, especially in Southwest Regional Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Our president has aligned himself with secular practices of doing business which is contrary to the writings of Ellen G. White as it relates to how our workers should be taken care of by the church. The appetite to develop mega-churches and buildings that give a TD Jakesesque quality continues to plague every president and entices young workers in this field, this appetite has taken us down a path to financial crisis and mismanagement. How can I build a mega-church like Creflo, T.D., ask some of our young pastors at churches in cities like Austin, Houston, Dallas, etc? Look at some of your young pastors in the field, they hold more than one service on sabbath and they don’t even have a max capacity to fill seats for divine worship. They purchase video and technology, which could be a good thing, but they merely have attendance to substantiate such a venture. THIS IS YOUR MONEY! Our conference pours money into churches developing this persona of a mega-church, but yet cannot hold frequent and consistent revelation seminars and personal ministries for which we all know is the true connecting factor to gain souls. Some of our young ministers go as far as avoiding preaching the sabbath and end time prophecies during divine hour and rather focus on more general topics of christianity to avoid alienating our non-believers. Laodicea is here! We are neither hot or cold! Ellen G. White has never promoted the mega-church philosophy, churches are supposed to break apart and fulfill the mission of spreading the truth and creating local communities where our beliefs are spread to all who can hear it. Our conference is dumping its senior ministers because they do not share this philosophy. Our conference turning to financially support these mega-church lifestyles to bail them out of the mess they have created. Secular corporations capitalize on the mega-church concept and our conferences are now aligning themselves in this direction. I have yet to receive a single request for retraction by our beloved leaders in SWRC. Why? This is because they have no facts to refute. They are hoping this will go away that we will go to church, swallow their Kool-Aid and go home to our Dinner Roast and Special K loaf. My fellow lay workers ask questions, seek understanding, and demand answers. We are moving down a very dark and scary path. I ask any theologian for or against to demonstrate their committment to publish EGW’s writings that show our conference is moving towards or further from our true advent mission. Our public needs to know. I also challenge my critics, especially young ministers who claim they are not “politicians” stop trying to google search who I am and figure out who YOU ARE! Do you need ten cameras in your church? Do you need a television station when you have empty pews? miley2How about you take your energy and erect a tent like so many did before you, why don’t you get your can and go ingathering to help our current financial crisis, or pass out bible studies to save those who will be lost because you have lost your way. This is how things were done when we needed to reach a financial goal, we recruited, we promoted stewardship and giving, we used the swords God gave us to fight the recession of the 80’s, and because of that work God blessed us, he enriched our work and gave our conference financial independence. So to the SWRC of SDA I say either go back to EGW’s teachings to care for the wise men who built this great conference or keep “twerking” to stay relevant in the pop culture of christiantity.


About The Forgotten Shepherdess

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51 Responses to “Twerk Miley, Miley, Miley!” SWRC Joins the Ranks of Secular Business Practices By Dumping Senior Ministers July 13, 2014

  1. Matt Dillon says:

    what kind of legacy can any of us leave if we are serious about working for the Lord?How dare we think the The Lord is pleased when we undermine each other?If the administrators would only seek to help the workers rather than to hurt them,we would be able to baptize thousands and have brand new image!Too much infighting is not healthy for any conference especially for a regional conference!We already make less money than our white counterparts so there is no reason to buy into an Uncle Tom menatlity!We need each other!What will it take for us to realize that we cant keep going on like this?


  2. Dolomite9 says:

    pastors are slowly going to get on board after seeing the innocent suffer for the guilty and realizing that it is only a matter of time and they will be next!Send not to know for whom the bell tolls!


  3. Dolomite9 says:

    the very fact that they knew about the demonstration only means that somebody let them know so consequently they had their watchdog to keep people from coming in to voice their concerns.We must be consistent until they break because right is on our side!An informed constituency is a prepared constituency who will want to know why their senior pastors are being kicked in the teeth and kicked around from post to post!We are aware of their devices and we cannot afford to give up or to give in so lets go back to the drawing board.Take a break to reassess your wounds then we decide a new plan of action that will literally bring them to their knees either to confess and repent or to confess and beg for mercy!let us not be too hasty.We need to think before we act so that we do not react by impulse but that we respond having thought things through!


    • @dolomite9 there is strength is numbers. When we come together we can do amazing things. I hate to tighten up but the conference leaders viewed the failure of this rally as a win to dimenish the credibility of this website. I depend on you all to help me keep hope alive!


  4. A l Capone says:

    Let’s do this again!The suspense and the success of exposing the dastardly deeds that this administration has done is reprehensible and unkind but exposing it is half the battle!
    I say we strike Everytime they have a committee meeting!keep them on ddfense’!!!!!!!


  5. Anonymous says:

    Today is one of the most sorriest days in the history of our conference. The big losers are the wimpish pastors who let evil rule.


  6. A l Capone says:

    A day in infamy!


  7. Marcus Garvey says:

    Lucky, we want to make sure that you get yours today because you instigated this whole mess!This mess that you Dubbed “realignment” you call yourself being so slick when you wouldn’t move from Austin because it was too inconvenient but you don’t think it is inconvenient for other pastors to relocate?Oh yes Lucky today is your unlucky day because you too are not above the law!If you didnt have to move after being voted Ministerial Secretary , then no pastor should have to move and if they give you extra money to travel in spite of you not moving to Dallas then they should give extra money to those pastors who are not going to have to move because you didn’t have to move!God is no respecter of persons so nor should we be!If we can’t show respect and appreciation to senior pastors then we should show no respect and appreciation for any pastor!Yes Lucky stand up and be accountable if you don’t do it today,you will do it next time!


  8. Marcus Garvey says:

    We are gonna be asking for and demanding reparations for those pastors and families who have already been hurt much less for those who are about to be so as they dish it out so will they receive it back!You asked for a revolution so you got one!We are taking it to the streets no prisoners! From Albuquerque to Amarillo from New Orleans to Tulsa we are taking it to the streets!


  9. Marcus Garvey says:

    We are on our way Bad Bad Leroy Brown and Dolemite9 hold on help is on the way!Accountability is the way perhaps the pressure will be so overwhelming that Big Dog will bow out regretfully resigning but The other officers will have to tender their resignations also!They are all equally responsible!Hold the fort this is a state of emergency!Don’t give up the ship we have just begun to fight!Dolemite9 I am really proud of you for getting this rally started !I am pretty sure I know who you are and your secret is safe with me!We need more young folks like you!


  10. Anonymous says:




  11. A l Capone says:

    Taking it to the streets!


  12. A l Capone says:

    Now I got miley on my mind!


  13. Dolomite9 says:

    Uhoh just got a text that folks far as New Mexico are coming in for protest!

    They expect reimbursement too What shall we do?What can we tell them?This was not just for show!I like their commitment!Yes they put their money where their mouth is!I need a show of hands or some way of knowing who and how many will join in!


  14. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    We do not mean any harm!We just want everybody to be treated the way you want to be treated!


  15. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    All this nice talk is cool but i am calling for radical action how many can and will meet us at the conference office for a protest in the morning at 9?Can i get a show of hands?Many said they were coming now some have baked out!I say what are you a man or a mouse?This is no time to backout now we came too far!Bring everything you can think of!This venture is dubbed”Revival and Revolution by Any Means Necessary!We are taking back the conference actions that were intentionally done to hurt kill or destroy certain family units.We will not tolerate it!


  16. A Whispering Hope says:

    What happens next is what happens after you spend Sabbath praying and fasting for God’s will be done! It amazes me the peace found it turning it over to Jesus!He sees and knows and understands the common wickedness of man!But when you trust Jesus, you can’t lose!I say we do a 40 day conference wide fast and use rick warrens book a purpose driven life!Of course anything contrary to sda teachings we nix out but for the most part we cave!Lets do it what can we lose?
    i guess u could say i am a whispering hope!Pollyanna type huh?


  17. A Whispering Hope says:

    if this stuff gets outside of the Adventist Church,how will that make us look?Here we are telling everybody we got the truth and we can’t even treat each other right?pastors should be treated with utmost respect and dignity and instead we are treating them like vermin!Especially the senior pastors Do we think the Lord will bless us when we mistreat His servants?Even some of the pastors who mistreat other pastors don’t you think God is going to deal with you?You better mind!The Lord already told us that we are not to touch the LORD’S anointed!Your arms are too short to box with God!Nuff said!


  18. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    One humble pastor put it so well when he said “we need to have an all day all night prayer meeting
    !He said more than anything else ,we need prayer,the administration needs prayer and the executive committee ,needs prayer! He pointed out that after we spend money we don’t have to change minds that are already made up,that The LORD could by His Spirit touch the hearts of all the committee.This way no one will intentionally or spitefully be hurt!After all,enough people have already been almost irreparably hurt so why add to that number?I argued but you must fight force with more force and then he pointed out that God is always in charge and we must for the sake of new members show them that there is a difference between those who truly believe Jesus is coming again really soon to set up His own kingdom wherein dwelleth righteousness!No one will be striving to get even or to outdo each other and there they will study war no more!I had to confess that he was right!
    So I ask you wherever and whoever you are to seriously pray this Lord’s Day and ask God’s will be done and to give you and me peace of mind that His will be done!If we really belive that God is truly omnipotent then all power truly belongs to Him!Let’s pray that the overspending and other things that have brought us to this point can somehow by His Almighty power be reversed returned or made up so that nobody loses their job or is overladen with extra churches so that he or she is so burdened that they die or go so broke that they cannot afford to have only 1 job.Let us pray that the committee gives extra money to those who have extra churches and that those who may have to travel so far will be given an extra apartment to stay at without having to sell their family home!Let us pray for a spirit of goodwill towards each other!Mostly let us pay for a Christlike forgiving Spirit and drop all the facades!After all is said and done, we all belong to the same Father and we are all His children!


  19. Howard Washington says:

    Yes we can !Yes we can!Yes we can!


  20. Why didn’t they talk about this at Campmeeting?





    Reasons for the egregious over-payment and substandard work are:

    1. Three bids for the management and the construction at Lone Star Camp were not offered for
    consideration and selection by the Building Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Executive
    Committee as is Conference Policy.

    2. Neither blueprints nor working drawings were ever provided to the SWRC Building Committee
    􀁸 This is problematic due to unknown plumbing and electrical layouts and plans
    􀁸 On numerous occasions members of the SWRC Executive Committee and SWRC
    Building Committee requested that the Building Committee chair acquire blueprints as
    required by SWRC Conference Policy for all building construction, especially of the
    magnitude of $2,000,000.00 but none was ever produced by SWRC administration.

    3. The Building Committee Chair and other qualified individuals from the Building Committee were
    not used in the supervisory capacity to provide Southwest Region Conference oversight of the
    building project.

    4. The Schedule of Values (SOV) were not properly handled by Southwest Region Conference
    􀁸 According to the policy voted, all SOV’s submitted were to be paid after the work was
    properly inspected by qualified individuals

    5. The SOV’s that were submitted were not verified with the actual work performed.

    6. The Building Committee, Finance Committee and the Executive Committee were not notified in
    real time that the construction costs had exceeded the Budget voted by the Committees.

    􀁸 The Executive Officials were aware of the cost overrun in December 2012 but did not reveal
    that information to the Executive Committee until July 2013 and only then when questioned.

    7. The Contract specified that 5 Cabins were to be built but only 4 were built which increased the
    overpayment by the cost of 1 cabin.

    8. No Senior Citizens Cabins were built as specified by the Contract which increased the overpayment.

    9. The work at the RV Park was not done as specified by the Contract which increased the

    10. Cabins ———$993,336.00—— 6,400 sf

    Welcome Ctr & Bathroom –$767,665.00——-3825 sf
    Total ————$1,761,001.00—-10,225sf

    Cost $1,761,001 for 10,225 sf = $172.23 sf


  22. Red Barron says:

    There are alot of gullible people out there but we do not need to be one of them!If these allegations are true then that means we have not been wise stewards of the Lord’s,money!It is not a good thing to make God mad!
    the President being a former stewardship man taught by the best knows better than to waste God’s money so i know these allegations cannot be right!I am sure a simple explanation about where the funds were spent and that we still have a surplus will satisfy everyone!if he cannot or will not do this then we appeal to the Unionand if they cover for him we go to the Division if we get no satisfaction we appeal to the GC!I will gladly fly in to lend moral support!


  23. Spike Lee says:

    It is time to “do the Right thing”We are our main enemy!We sabotage ourselves and blame everybody else for the bad choices we make!In an attempt to do the Right thing we find ourselves engaged in our own self destruction!Let’s own our mistakes admit them seek forgiveness resign if necessary but by all means stop!I will be there with Dolmite9,Bad Bad Leroy Brown,Johnny T.,and other laity and clergy in fact,I wish the whole constituency would show up because these allegations need to be answered before we send anymore funds for Campground improvement!Brother Moody you should be there too!



    The Welcome Center’s square footage is 2,368.
    The Bathroom’s square footage is 1,457.
    The total Square Footage is 3,825.

    The total cost for the Welcome Center and the Bathroom is $767,665.00
    which means that we paid $200.70 a square foot for the Welcome Center and the Bathroom.

    Using Reed Construction Data charts for McKinney, TX, for comparison Southwest
    Region Conference grossly overpaid for the construction of the Welcome Center and
    Bathroom at Lone Star Camp in Athens, TX. In studying the overpayment
    comparison the following information factors come to light:

    1. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid only $40.10 per square foot less to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a hospital in
    McKinney, TX.

    2. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $79.78 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a gymnasium in
    McKinney, TX.

    3. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $62.33 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a hotel in
    McKinney, TX.

    4. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $76.67 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build an apartment in
    McKinney, TX.

    5. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $74.32 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a church in McKinney, TX.

    6. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $39.87 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a community center in
    McKinney, TX.

    7. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $83.64 per square foot more to
    build the Welcome Center and Bathroom than it costs to build a club house in McKinney, TX.

    Using the cost data to build a Club House in McKinney, Texas, minus
    architectural fees according to Reed Construction Data, Southwest Region
    Conference should have paid $117.06 per square foot to build the Welcome
    Center and Bathroom.

    At 3,825 square feet built at a cost of $117.06 per square foot, the building
    cost would have been only $412,636.50.

    Southwest Region Conference paid $767,665.00 to build the Welcome
    Center and Bathroom which means that we overpaid by $355,028.50.

    The cost to build a welcome center and bathroom is actually considerably lower than
    the price to build a club house in Athens, Texas. The approximate price in Athens,
    Texas, to build a Welcome Center and Bathroom is probably more in the $80 to $100
    per square foot range. With that in mind, Southwest Region Conference was
    charged and paid more than $355,028.50
    over what it should have been.

    At $90.00 per square foot, the Welcome Center and Bathroom would
    cost $344,250.00

    By paying $200.70 per square foot or $767,665.00, Southwest Region
    Conference overpaid $423,415.00 for the Welcome Center and Bathroom.

    $423,415.00 – Over For the Welcome Center and Bathroom

    $904,751.00 – Total Overage


  25. Dolomite9 says:

    Pastors please register how many are coming with a representative from their church to this rally at the conference office this Sunday morning!Bring your food water blankets and lets plan to spend all day!Bring your questions and comments and stop being afraid this is your tithe money at work!


  26. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    The President Secretariat and Treasurer should have told us that they spent nearly 1 million dollars on those 4 cute little cabins compared to DL Ford spending nothing to build that fabulous Youth Center for nothing!They should have just confessed up that they messed up but want another chance to make up for their costly mistakes!The only thing worse than doing wrong is not acknowledging your mistakes!History says to err is human to forgive is divine!This mistake most likely made them fire 17 workers and try to justify it by saying healthcare costs caused them to overrun the budget!


  27. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    This is what the Treasurer should have talked about when she got up to lift the offering!You see we all need each other.If the former campground director was able to build such a beautiful youth center for free,just imagine what he could have built for $900000!What we spent on those 4 little he could have built a whole lodge on the other side of the lake!Brothers and sisters we need to come together and reason with on another before we blow another million dollars!OOps just maybe that million could have saved those 17 salaries or cut down the healthcare costs that will happen wherever you have people healthcare is going to be a factor!
    We need a serious refund!Somebody ripped us off and has the audacity to want to keep stealing from us!Why are we afraid to confront the enemy!



    Building Committee Report with Analysis, Comparison and Assessment
    For Lone Star Camp Ground Phase 1 Construction
    The information supplied was compiled using
    Reed Construction Data
    30 Technology Parkway South, Suite 100
    Norcross, Georgia, 30092
    (800) 424-3996

    At Lone Star Camp in Athens, TX, the Southwest Region Conference was charged
    and paid $993,336.00 for building four cabins which factors out to be $248,334.00
    per cabin.

    Each cabin is 1600 square feet; therefore the building cost for each cabin factors out
    to be $155.21 a square foot and that does not include architectural fees since there
    were no blueprints or working drawings.

    Using Reed Construction Data charts for McKinney, TX, for comparison Southwest
    Region Conference grossly overpaid for the construction of the four cabins at Lone
    Star Camp in Athens, TX. In studying the overpayment comparison the following
    information factors come to light:

    1. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid only $85.59 per square foot less to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a hospital in McKinney, TX.
    2. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $34.29 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a gymnasium in McKinney, TX.
    3. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $16.84 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a hotel in McKinney, TX.
    4. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $31.18 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build an apartment in McKinney, TX.
    5. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $28.83 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a church in McKinney, TX.
    6. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $85.36 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a community center in McKinney, TX.
    7. Southwest Region Conference was charged and paid $38.15 per square foot more to
    build a cabin than it costs to build a club house in McKinney, TX.
    6. Using the cost data to build an apartment building in McKinney, Texas,
    minus architectural fees according to Reed Construction Data, Southwest
    Region Conference should have paid $118.35 per square foot to build
    each cabin.

    At 1,600 square feet built at a cost of $118.35 per square foot, the building
    cost of each cabin would have been only $189,360.00 per cabin.
    Southwest Region Conference paid $248,334.00 per cabin which means
    that we overpaid $58,974.00 per cabin.

    By multiplying $58,974.00 per cabin times the 4 cabins, the cost overrun
    charged and paid by Southwest Region Conference is approximately
    $235,896.00 for the 4 cabins.

    Since each cabin only consists of 2 rooms, 1 bathroom and 1 dormitory style room,
    the cost to build is actually considerably lower than the price to build an apartment
    building. The approximate price in Athens, Texas, to build the cabins is probably
    more in the $70 to $90 per square foot range. With that in mind, Southwest Region
    Conference was charged and paid considerably more than $235,896.00 over
    what it should have been.


  29. CONCERNED says:


    This article reveals what we are about to lose are losing to secularism. I LOVE IT!



  30. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    I’m told that the president said he would take the buy out if he could so why can he not take the buyout?What reward does swrc get for being “proactive to the senior workers being pushed off the scene because they are too old?”Age happens to all so how can we discriminate?


  31. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    Twerking with Miley is the way of the world just as megachurch wannabes!There is nothing wrong with megachurches as long as that is the result of planting seeds but the problem is getting out the message!the purpose of small churches is to be a witness in the communities where they are planted!Jesus never told the disciples to go out and have megachurches He said to go into all the world preaching and baptizing and Lo He is with us even to the end of the world!Sister White said to meet the iceberg head on!let’s meet the iceberg head on this Sunday!


  32. Anonymous says:


    WOW! Suppose I was thinking this was a disgruntled minister. Images are a little shocking to me, but you really do have the understanding of what’s going on. Right now, I have to say I’m not sure anyone can prove you wrong.


  33. Bad Bad Leroy Brown says:

    being proactive includes looking out for senior workers not canning them what about age discrimination?Does not this violate older worker discrimination act?Are we being setup for lawsuits and negative public relations?We had better grab the bull by the horns and put it back in its pen or lets have a good old fashioned steak dinner!


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