The SWRC Administrative Line Up

Here are the offices voted by constituents for SWRC:

President-Calvin Walkins

Secretary-Stephen Brooks

Treasurer-Phillip Palmer

Sabbath School-Charles Sanders

Youth Director-Tyrone Douglas

Education Superintindent-Buford Griffith III

Ministerial Director-Eddie Polite

Community Services-Durandel Ford

Yesterday’s meeting concluded at around 6:00 pm. In my opinion, the climax of the meeting had to be the clear disdain for the nominations of Weegar and Davis. The massive amount of people who rejected their nominations sent a clear message that constituents want leadership not political games that waste the resources of the conference. I wonder what Davis and Weegar are thinking right now. I wonder what their next steps will be. 

Nevertheless, though some nominations are questionable, particularly that there are no women in administrative leadership yet again! We will see how the new president moves forward to mend this conference and bring unity amongst ministerial leaders. That’s a lot of testosterone all in one place.Reading some of the comments regarding the new education superintendent, I hope our new president monitors this person and holds him to a high standard to develop and grow our schools. 

The new ministerial director has a huge responsibility to lead, can he distance himself from City Temple politics and be a leader and advocate for all ministers in this conference? Concerns amongst ministerial leadership are that he is not the best fit for the position. However, the people have spoken and we will see how he chooses to lead.

I have to say constituents TFS is proud of you! You stayed the course and voted for change! I am considering taking this blog to hiatus to allow the new administration some time to make changes and lead. I welcome input on this decision.

Follow me on Twitter! @ForgttnSheprdss 

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119 Responses to The SWRC Administrative Line Up

  1. Winston B. Stanley says:


    Now that Constituency 2015 is history, how many of us have actually “reflected” subjectively on how things actually transpired. From reading some of the comments I get the impression there was a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking or buyers remorse in some cases. Whatever conclusions are drawn–each of us spoke by our vote. We have to realize in scripture God respects the individual will of the people. Seldom, if ever, do we read where God actually superimposed His will over the people’s choice. Nevertheless, we have the people’s choice for President. Now let the “people’s choice” be God’s appointed man. Ther are some challenges.

    I am happy for the pastors (young and old) in that departing there was a sense of unity and cohesion. Yes, there were those who were at odds prior to, but post Constituency there was unity. Frank, Dino, and Jerry, along with Dolomite, Jonah, the many anonymous people, Left Behind etc. all sang Kumbayah (not literally but in spirit). I thought it was somewhat hilarious but it was factually true. I am sitting chuckling about it to this day; the handshaking, the patting on the backs, the light-hearted exchanges all spoke loudly and clear to unity. Was very happy for our Spanish Brothers and Sisters.

    While there was much unity, you must confess, the election process was litered with Selfishness unlike any before. Sad, but true. From the Chairman of the Nominating Committee, to that respected Senior Pastor etc; everybody wanted a spot for himself and their cousin. My opinion!!!
    To be very honest in reflection, I have had to ask myself, “would I want to be in a Foxhole with my colleagues” when or if the chips are down—I do not know, for fear that they will look-out for themselves first, and not think in the best interest of the team, or in this case, SWRGC.

    Was quite surprised, how many were tweeting, texting and calling the newly elected president during the process itself even before its conclusion. That was indeed an eye-opener and quite revealing from an observation standpoint because it revealed who may want some “favor(s)” down the road. …. Quite revealing!!!!

    For those exiting the office, I was somewhat sad and melancholy. Union election is coming next May and I pray one or two end there in Burleson. As far as the others, I pray we find places for them. I hope and pray SWRGC’s better days are ahead.


    • Anonymous says:

      Praying for healing and restoration. This is the worse it’s been in 30 years. Hope we can rise above the muck and mire.


      • To The Perfectionist says:

        I support this statement. I will join you in prayer.


      • Concern Parent says:

        Yep! I agree, this is the worst ever…..Mccottry, Davis and Weegar contributed a whole lot of corruption all in the name of selfishness, power and control. Mccottry is the serpent in the tree. You have to look carefully to find him because he blends in with his environment!


      • Please be careful with how you describe ministerial leaders….thanks TFS


      • Anonymous says:

        OMG Concerned Parent you hit the nail on the head regarding McCottry!!!!! There is none more sinister than that preacher!!!!!!!!!!! God has defeated all serpents though. Glory to God!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Sister Girl says:

    Letter to constituents and the President:

    Appreciate if some of you would just make up a name. Don’t use anonymous as all anonymous is not the same person. I believe we are on our way to doing better. The key is the ministers. If we cannot get them to unite, we will be just going around in circles. I am really trying to be optimistic because we need healing from the top down. Something our former president really did not recognize then and still does not – I feel he feels that he was mistreated. But when you are the leader, the ministers are your team. He would have had a different response if he had been transparent, engaged the guys to share in his goals, but that is not what he did.

    I truly believe he was elected by the good will of the people, people who knew him, but they did not really know him. And he was not overwhelmingly elected but he got enough votes. This president need not say “God put him there, but he can say God allowed him to be here. His election was about the most political I have seen. I just hope He will talk to the men. Listen to their concerns. Try to right the wrongs. But, please don’t go around acting like you did not know nothing and people were considering you out the clear blue sky. People here do not know you. Your operatives were working on your behalf. You were as politically involved as the RAT PACK. Listen, they are recognized here whether they like that name or not. My interest is just as I said, to get us going again. I’m not the only one that has recommended people to you. What is helpful is that you take some of that advice.

    However, if you are here 6 weeks and you have not communicated personally with your team. I’m going to look for things to stay the same or get worse.

    I feel if you call 10-15 ministers in a day, that job could be completed in 4-5 days. Remember you are the same as the senior ministers and you were chosen over them. Many of us are hoping you will have a little humility and get the job done. The guys have confidence in you so far, but that could change. Good luck Mr. President! We are counting on you! Like I said before I have been here a long time, If you are fair and treat people right you will have a long life here.


  3. Anonymous says:

    Would you people just STOP… This is so ridiculous and full of hate. The people have voted. Let them work. If they start to do a horrible job then you can discuss but this is just a waste of time. The election is over, your opinions are the minority. Go somewhere and pray..



      You are wrong anonymous! What can we learn from this so the next time it can be improved?

      Without learning how people feel we may not be able to improve.

      Do we allow wrong to go unchecked?


    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, time to stop and pray. It’s sad on this blog. Can’t imagine one of these preachers preaching to me


    • To The Perfectionist says:

      Are you crazy anonymous? The only comments that point to hate are yours. Could it be that you are Satan?


      • Anonymous says:

        Satan? You just told me you are a pathetic ignorant person. What did I say to make you say Satan? Was is because you are boiling with anger and blaming it on Satan as so many do? Get a grip. You are absolutely ridiculous.


      • To The Perfectionist says:


        Calm down! I never said that YOU are Satan. I said could you be Satan? Because if you are of God you could not say to readers that EVERYONE including PREACHERS “Can’t imagine one of these preachers preaching to me.” This seems to imply that you are playing the devils advocate because none of your statements could be logically true. Are some preachers who are commenting on this blog of God even if they disagree with the elected leaders in the office?

        I do not believe that our present elected officials are of Satan. This is not what God wants any of the readers to believe. I do believe that some of our leaders have forfeited their right to lead because of conduct or mistakes they made as a minister or administrator. I do believe that they are forgiven and desire to reach God’s Kingdom. I do believe that the election is over and there is nothing else that will prevent them from serving the next 4 years. I do believe that we could have done better in our selection process.

        I believe that it is time for us to move forward and put the election behind us BUT explore how the process could be better 4-5 years from now.

        Would a godly person say, “You just told me you are a pathetic ignorant person.” Are these the words of the Holy Spirit or of Satan?

        I can accept that you don’t agree with the majority of comments on this blog, but I cannot accept language that suggests that you are being guided by another spirit.

        Here is what you might consider: Tell us why in Christian words why you disagree. Who knows, your pleasant words might lead someone to a closer understanding of the issues–thus having a closer relationship with Jesus–even though we may disagree.



      • Anonymous says:

        Your comments lead me to believe you may be bipolar or just having fun. I don’t need to calm down, I am calm. I did not say anything about listening to these preachers. There are many people up here writing as anonymous. I am just having fun on here. It’s my nature.


  4. CONSTITUENT says:

    Leave BG3 alone – there is no comparison between his character flaws and SB’s. He is guilty only of a slow response time and 3 or 4 rapes happening on his watch. He did nothing wrong. That could happen at any Principal’s school and they would not know a thing about it.

    SB on the other hand, well. If you do nothing about SB, then don’t bring up BG3.
    This could easily happen at anyone’s school. Google the star telegram and Burton Adventist academy and his name is nowhere to be found. I feel he can do a great job. He needs to reach out to our outstanding Adventist educators and /or you all should reach out to him. We can heal our conference. He is young and deserves a second chance. The sermon is ongoing – however people are on their phones. SB really does not deserve to be a leader. TFS calls it out, I was embarrassed about TFS doing so, but I have to remember this is about our opinions. I changed my mind about BG3. This is America, land of opportunity.


    • Concern Parent says:

      From a parental point of view I will not endorse a leader with that many dropping of the ball under his watch! It’s way off the chart and he should admit that he’s in the wrong profession. And further more after this many times, it’s no longer second chances! You are a liability to the organization!
      The Texas conference was sued in excess of 1 million for the last oops!
      Where do we set the bar? It seems as though we are willing to bury it deeper in the sand.
      Individuals for both of these offices need to reconsider.


  5. Jonah 77 says:

    What’s done is done. But now we know. It is very sad. While I know the new President is watching and reading, I wonder if he would comment? If leaders would take the time to be upfront and honest with their subordinates they would eliminate speculation and rumor. The pressing questions I would ask him to address are:

    1. Did you know the history of the current Secretary and ask for him over other more qualified men?

    2. Do you understand why this forum is necessary?

    3. What is your plan to heal the conference when it is now known that you did directly or indirectly campaign for the job.

    4. How do you plan to address the education and financial problems in SWRC?

    5. What makes you different from your predecessors?

    What Say You? Mr. President.


  6. CONSTITUENT says:

    I am a very forgiving person, although I wish I could know how the constituency as a whole felt. I would like to request a poll on sentiments post election. I watched the cards go up for Calvin Watkins, but when you had the poll for him before, it appeared no one knew him and we are only finding out information now, because the blog has established, reliable sources. I’m assuming everything posted is true as you have not had to do any retractions since the start. Any manipulating of delegates, is only with the ministers. I’m just amazed, the only one of them who will reveal himself to us is Winston. Maybe he will weigh in on this predicament. It looks like my hope for unity among the ministers is hopeless. You would just think that with a new President, we had a chance for fairness, honesty. I now don’t believe anything that was said about him is true. He is just as devious as the ones we know and we can look for the same kind of leadership because the same people are still leading out, you know who I am talking about, the RAT PACK. Except they have added to the club. There is no way the nominating committee was not manipulated. Then, look at the delegates, Roger Bernard had to be the favorite. He did not get the votes. Only the ministers with a unified mission could have gotten him knocked out. Sorry folks, Calvin Watkins, believe it or not was all up in our politics. He had to be. Nobody knows him.

    So, what else can we do. I say let the churches bump their delegates, start over, do not let a single minister influence you. You have the right. We were bamboozled and ministers have been admonished by our writer Ellen White to not get in to this kind of politics.

    It is my understanding that the executive committee can vote for a special election and we can start over. I doubt they can get the votes because they are mostly placed there by the NOMINATING COMMITTEE (flawed from the beginning).

    Weigh in honest people from the SWGRC.


  7. Ask an Educator5 says:

    Are you still being still more ridiculous?

    The burden of proof is never on God but the individual. The sinner.

    If bg3 was given an application for a job as a principle in a public school he would be asked if he had ever been terminated and, or placed on administrative leave. He would have to give explanation. The burden is on bg3 to tell the truth.

    Now for the SWRC bg3 did not have to fill out a single application so he did not have to answer this uestion or more about prior work history.

    Don’t you think this might be a reason bg3 is not applying for a job in the public sector in education? It is about liability. And bg2 failed in his chairmanship and as Secretary not to release this information to the nominating committee as well as the NAD IF THEY KNEW ABOUT A well publicized case.

    You see, we don’t know the law and all the circumstances. They were hidden from us.

    If a conference president was accused of misconduct NOW days he would be placed on administrative leave at least until resolution.

    Enough said


    • Anonymous says:


      Please, please, please tell me you are not an educator and using principle instead of principal!!!!!!!!!!! Do you teach in one of our schools? I HOPE NOT!!!! The burden of proof is always on the employer, that’s why we have background checks


      • Ask an Educator5 says:

        Do you enjoy being an insulting Perfectionist?

        If there was no application to fill out bg2 should have revealed bg3s history. GC lawyers said this is how the Church gets sued. Stupid Administrators.


      • Anonymous says:

        We cannot blame autocorrect on our phones. Surely an educator reads, before publishing anything. Even if it’s on this blog. We need to rise above mediocrity and the only way to do that is to pay attention to the details. This does not mean mistakes will not be made. I am in no way perfect nor claim to be


    • Anonymous says:

      Not a perfectionist. Just would like to know that one of our educators know the difference between principle and principal


      • To The Perfectionist says:

        It is an obvious mistake many people make who are not writing for a book to be published. Typing on a phone is not the best thing to do because it trys to self correct when there is a mistake. There are hundreds of mistakes by teacherst on this blog but I have not been one to point them out.

        Why would you? They say people who do this are judgemental are you. Stay on the issue not on the person.


      • Anonymous says:


        There you go AGAIN, identifying a category of workers and making an assumption!
        Take your advice own advice and stay on the issues.


      • Dr. Who says:

        There is no point in this. You have said nothing. I Agee with educator5 that you are making too much over this for argument. Say something Judgemental.


  8. Jonah 77 says:

    @ Anonymous:

    If BG3 and Stephen Brooks knew all this, why did they keep quiet on Sunday? Maybe that’s the question best asked. Had they been forth right and trusted in God then there would be no issue. I believe in forgiveness. But I don’t believe that anyone should be placed in a position where they can further use bad judgement at the expense of constituents. Did I like the outcome? Can I change the outcome? No, but here is the question I pose to you? Do the constituents have the right to know?

    What Say You?


    • Anonymous says:

      The burden of proof is on you and not them


      • Ask an Educator says:

        Are you still being ridiculous?

        The burden of proof is never on God but the individual. The sinner.

        If bg3 was given an application for a job as a principle in a public school he would be asked if he had ever been terminated and, or placed on administrative leave. He would have to give explanation. The burden is on bg3 to tell the truth.

        Now for the SWRC bg3 did not have to fill out an application so he did not have to answer this question or more about prior work history.

        Don’t you think this might be a reason bg3 is not applying for a job in the public sector in education? It is about liability. And bg2 failed in his chairmanship and as Secretary not to release this information to the nominating committee as well as the NAD IF THEY KNEW ABOUT A well publicized case.

        You see, we don’t know the law and all circumstances.

        If a conference president was accused of misconduct NOW days he would be places administrative leave at least until resolved.

        Enough said

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Okay now I am weighing in….I think it is healthy to hear both sides of an issue…my only concern is the term “digging up dirt” how are past indiscretions a that impact someone’s credibility and competency for leadership dirt? If I as a minister get up every sabbath and tell youth to stay pure and not fornicate but I then father a child out of wedlock, a discretion that is punishable by loss of ordination and credential should I be PROMOTED? If I do not take immediate action on an incident that placed the SDA church in a million dollar lawsuit should I be PROMOTED? If I was a lawyer and I lie or submit evidence that I know to be untrue and its proven then I lose my license to practice law, every occupation that is based MORAL TERPITUDE has rules, I guess the SWRC does not believe in these standards including the illustrious nominating committee and that’s all I have to say about that !


    • Observer says:

      This really nails the point.

      GC lawyers once said in a meeting boards make bad decisions that cause law suits.

      Why would the SWRC take the chance on being sued?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      If you knew all that, why did you keep quiet Sunday?


      • Just An Observer says:

        Discussion was killed.

        We were not allowed to openly discuss personal issues such as the two getting the most attention. And they should not have been discussed embarrassing bg3 and SB. BUT they could have and should have and could have been discussed openly in the Nominating Committee.. The rest was history. Constituents were not allowed to give a reason so other constituents could understand why it should be referred back to the upper room.

        One committee person I heard was right. Senior men are out of touch with how this generation gets their information. They don’t want you to know and they are trying to stop this discussion now.why? Because when hell breaks loose of some kind on these two now elected people they will blame the constituents for electing who they wanted.

        What is flawed in this political system is this very kind of tbing. Adventists feel that politics is of the devil when it is working against them. In bg3s case the Union did not want you to know. In SB’s case the time clock ran out.


  10. HoldStrong says:

    WOW! Is it me or is Anonymous taking this to another level???!!!!

    I say you are bitter and in great need of a revival and reformation in your personal life.
    Your days may not be as long on this earth as you may hope.
    You are all bitter ministers on this blog.

    Really!!!! I am not a minister! But your comments are DISTASTEFUL! If you don’t like something, do comment OR JUST KEEP IT MOVING! Attacking people’s personal life and wishing death on someone! JUST WOW!!!



  11. Jonah 77 says:

    Well, we all need revival and reformation. I am not bitter. Very concerned. But I’ll be praying for you as well as all the new officers. 4 years from now let’s look back and see if this is the type of change we voted for. Until then, I’m sure you all will do your part and be politically free in your decision making.

    What Say You?


  12. Jonah 77 says:

    @ Anonymous Who wishes to take Hiatus:

    The people who want the TFS to take a break are the very ones who manipulated the process and concealed details either in their own background or others for personal gain. While you are right that Pastor Meyers and others aren’t the only minister to travel hundreds of miles in their district, and won’t be the last, you are indisputably part of the problem. You believe that freedom of speech is and should be limited. And what was so bad, was that in speaking out for his peers, none of his peers stood up and said you know, maybe it’s not a good idea to make an example out of someone. That’s why you are all COWARDS!! With no vision of unity. Was that Christian? Is it Gods will that we remain silent? You said just do God’s work? That’s the problem. Senior Men just doing God’s Work with no compromise in their career get passed over by men with character issues, integrity problems and worst of all, Politics!! So as an example, simply doing Gods work has been corrupted by men who wish to gain stature without being vetted properly. The lack of vision is laughable. Yet, you wish to continue the same policy of evil. That’s what it is. I wish Meyers, Thompson, Humphreys and others would speak out on the blog. But I understand why they do not. If they do the people with power want to crush them and have done so for years. Let’s be clear, you can’t be fired for a position in one conference and then get promoted in another. What’s wrong with that picture? What signal are we sending to men who wish to take up the ministry. I’ll tell you, you can mess up and move up. Every one gets a get out of jail free card, everyone passes go, everyone collects $200, and in the case of Stephen Brooks and BG3, the (Hat and the Shoe) you can always play the game again and again with no reprecussions. Stop playing monopoly in the SWRC because if you don’t the saints are going to go Bankrupt!! Literally!!!

    What Say You?


    • Anonymous says:

      I say you are bitter and in great need of a revival and reformation in your personal life.


      • Referee says:


        But aren’t we all? Do you need reform and revival. Are you a perfect person?

        I think you are someone who has nothing meaningful to say because with that comment you are doing what you say others are doing.

        Tell us why you feel this way?


  13. CONSTITUENT says:


    Now that it is all over, I have been hearing that there were maybe a hundred of resumes turned in. There is nothing wrong with that, but my contact said they only looked at 3-4 resumes. If the education resumes had been passed out, you may not be having the problems we are experiencing. There are plenty of qualified people here with experience. You could have broken the committee up into 5 or 6 groups and reviewed them all and chose the top ones. So why do you think you two deserve to be the only ones picking or choosing. Appreciate a response from someone who was there.


  14. Anonymous says:

    I liked what Pastor Stanley said “hiatus” take a break. For the anonymous pastors, commenting on this blog that the right people did not get what they wanted, stop complaining, and do God’s work. You will get your reward from God. Remember how Jesus was sad because his disciples were fighting over who would be first.

    Sorry Pastor Myers you are not the first pastor that has had to travel hundreds of miles in his district, because you spoke up. You want be the last.

    I’m taking an hiatus. Peace.


    • ICE says:

      I see, you are on the cliff of the ridiculous. Out of touch with reality. Just let let things be. Tell that to the new President and nothing will change and nothing will get done. You singled out one good person when other good people and other churches are suffering.

      There can never peace when you do your thinking in a box. Judas was in the box of tradition and the status quo.

      You need to chill!


    • Mrs. Blue Bell says:


      On your hiatus and when you left the room you left your toys on the floor. Please put your toys back in the box. THANK YOU!

      Thank you ICE, I’m glad you responded to such cold and child like thinking.


  15. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t that interesting????!!! Our newly elected President Walkins has years of ties to both the Brooks and the Griffiths! Even more interesting is the fact that Brooks and Griffith3 suddenly holds office positions with the same elected President! What a strange coincident! Won’t you say?

    DIFFERENT ADMINISTRATION SAME CORRUPTION!!!!! Way to go SWRGC!!! You definitely outperformed yourself this election year for sure! WE NEVER SAW IT COMING!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hold Strong says:

      Love it! TFS can the Executive Committee revisit these 2 names?

      Liked by 1 person

    • Bestill says:

      I sincerely hope that TFS is working behind the scenes investigating and bringing to us the real findings. I know you wanted a break but this matter seems to be a concern to many!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      Folks, Ohio is the connecting dots between Watkins and Griffith 2. Check out the link listed for both individuals.…/speakers

      Calvin Watkins, Sr., ministerial director for the South Atlantic Conference, is a native of Dayton, Ohio. He is a product of Christian education and a God fearing mother. Pastor Watkins is a graduate of Pine Forge Academy, Oakwood College………….…
      Pastor Griffith is the Vice President of Ministries leading Family Ministries and Sabbath School for the Southwestern Union. Pastor Buford Griffith, Jr. was born in Tanner, Alabama. His family moved to Louisville, Kentucky in the early 1950s where he was raised. Pastor Griffith is a second generation Seventh-day Adventist with a passion for ministry. Prior to joining the Southwestern Union in 1998, Pastor Griffith served as a Senior Pastor of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in Columbus, Ohio for almost 8 years. He has ministered to congregations across North America, Bermuda, London and New Zealand.


  16. Jonah 77 says:

    First of of all lets straighten out our pronouns, because “you people” can be misconstrued in so many ways as code words. Second, what do you expect? You expect constituents to accept all the politics being played behind close doors. I do not see complaining, I see Christians speaking out. If Stephen Brooks had an integrity issue he absolutely should step down. What does it say that a man is elected and he does not lead a life as put forth in the foundations of Church Doctrine and furthermore scripture? How can he be respected by those he will lead. How can he be trusted in terms of decision making when he himself has been compromised? Had he been forth right to to nominating committee I could see a way forward. But if the New President knew and privately pushed for this then he has already tripped on his own incompetence. That is why I urge for him to write an Open Letter and start the healing. But Brooks is a nonstarter and to prevent further scrutiny and rehashing of previous hidden facts as Dr. Stanley and Detective Friday point out he should sit this one out. But he won’t. Just as Davis and Weegar did not. Withdrawing in humility is not seen as a bad thing. He must know this. However, like many Frat Brothers, he will choose to ride it out and further upset those he thinks he will lead. Someone said the word SAD. It truly is if you think this is how we lead and select leadership!

    What Say You?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Anonymous says:

    It is clear to me why this conference is in the shape it’s in. All you people do is complain and judge people. They haven’t even started work yet and you are condemning them. Sad..


    • I LOVE THE SWRC says:

      No Anonymous

      The leaders sins have condemn them. People have a right to know. Remember….transparency….


    • Anonymous says:

      This is the saddest I have ever felt in this conference. These are the ministers who stand in our pulpit on Sabbaths! Why so much hate and anger? Why did you go underground with your aspirations instead of letting them be known and support each other in the process? You were your worse enemy because of your own selfishness. God is going to deal with some of you drastically. He expects better from you

      Liked by 1 person

      • ICE says:


        How do you know that these are all ministers? And the Saddest day of the Conference will be for all to be lost. The people who went underground are those who with held information from members like you that prevented you from making an informed decision and the one who may have fallen from grace.

        If a child molester was elected to an office in the Church that no one knew about who would you blame if they abused a child at church or gathering? Are the leaders responsible for not revealing this background behavior before an election? And if that person committed an act of reckless behavior like just mentioned is the Church liable for suit? Get real and sit on a Union Committee and witness the occasional ministers who are defrocked from ministry because of reckless behavior. Life in the SDA church is real with real sinners.

        I admit that this is the worse election that I have ever seen where some incorrigeables are unworthy for office by their reckless behavior that the incoming President knew about.


      • Hear Ye says:

        I would suggest that the names for the two offices (secretariat and education) be revisited by the executive committee! There are too many negatives surrounding individuals for these offices!


      • Anonymous says:

        You are all bitter ministers on this blog. Members don’t have time for this foolishness


  18. CONSTITUENT says:

    Thank you anonymous for reminding us – I actually know just what you mean. I know about the Stephen Brooks ordeal but don’t know why Billy kept it under wraps. But in some ways, people’s indiscretions really do not need to be made public. But I’m guessing now everyone is going to know. That’s why the Bible says “Be sure your sins will find you out.” That is why politicians should just come clean because people will forgive you and give you another chance.

    But now, I have to put Stephen Brooks in the same category as Davis and Weegar. It’s not that you may not be qualified, It’s that for all the Pastors who have been following the rules, being moral and upright. For the ones who have not been politically manipulating moves and terminations as you have and who have worked tirelessly in this field, YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO SIT IN JUDGEMENT OF THEM AND DIRECT THEIR APPOINTMENTS or move ahead of them. It’s selfish and inconsiderate and you already know how the men felt about Weegar and Davis, they will feel no different about you. You may think it’s different, but it’s not.

    AND anonymous reminded us of this Mr. President, of which I’m sure you were aware of since he came from your conference. I’m going to have to agree with anonymous. You knew this and you would not ask directly for Meyers or Thompson. In my mind it is already saying volumes about you.

    I am asking you Pastor Brooks to resign and save us the embarassment as we may have to deal with the Griffin thing too. See, it’s not that people will not give you a second chance, they just don’t like sneaky. Give some one a chance who deserves it, because you don’t. Don’t be like Weegar and Davis. Yes you were elected by the people, but if they knew your cut throat, no caring, manipulative self and that’s not hard for them to believe because look where you are, SECRETARY after you sent Meyers down the road. and I know about all the Frat brothers 2 year manipulations. That’s why all your names were propelled forward. Sister Girl knows what she is talking about. So, PRESIDENT, call Meyers and Thompson discuss the deal – that whole staff needs to be reorganized if nothing else meet with them so they can help you get on the right track. They know these guys and they are respected and you do not know them.

    You could do a good job. We are telling you all this, so let’s see what you are going to do. It’s all out in the public now. Anyone else know something, please inform our new President, he is going to need all the help he can get.


  19. Anonymous says:

    Has anyone reading this blog asked the question; “How did Stephen Brooks get to t qSWRGC?”
    I remember what came out of a past Executive Committee when they voted for him to come here and the former President pwithheld information about what hagppen inward Brook’s former Conference when he was the AY leader,
    We are a Conference of REJECTS!
    You mean you would put someone in office as Secretary knowing that integrity ihas been lthrown into the Rio Grande? What are we saying to young people when they know about this? That bad behavior is ok and you are rewarded for it?
    Ministers always get a pass if they baptize a cat is well but the guy who is a Staight up person of i””ntegrity gets nothing. Watkins, I voted for you but now I am really concerned about your integrity–that you knew of his background and still asked for Brooks.
    Hide your kids!


    • Back Field In Motion says:

      Has anyone looked at Brook’s “Green Sheet” the NAD has on every ministers? Why didn’t the NAD give this information to the Nominating Committee?

      Like Anonymous said….HIDE YOUR KIDS


  20. Winston Stanley says:

    CLOSURE: Reading the “Monday Morning” comments as they say in football– “Monday Morning Quarterbacking” is quite embarrassing for SWRGC. It should have been deemed as Conflict-of-Interest on behalf of the father as chair, which challenged or compromised the integrity of the process. On certain committees that I am familiar, this would have never taken place. Maybe those in charge need to sign a conflict-of-interest waiver next time to protect the integrity of the process [sarcasm implied]. Some on that Nominating Committee, I dare say, had some knowledge of this stuff but was too fearful or insecure to bring it out or was intimidated by the fathers presence; or as was displayed–some were self-seeking. How all of a sudden it is released Monday morning; and yet no one knew prior to … quite astounding! For me, BG3’s very last three assignments were detailed enough on his resume prompted my no-vote. Nevertheless, he is on his job now, talking to his teachers as of yesterday. The constituents voted him as… “THE NEW” … Superintendent for SWRGC. Case closed.

    I saw an attempt by someone to try and “cheap-shot” or “under-cut” Superintendent Frank Jones on money. Well, facts support Mr Jones first move as superintendent in coming to SWRGC was to increase the salary of teachers because teachers salaries were not competitive in SWRGC nor SWUC. Mr Jones not only supported the teachers, but also help support teachers families when they were in need. Third, Mr Jones at the Nashville Teachers Convention received the loudest applause and support of Regional Conference Superintendents at this venue from his teachers. Finally, when Mr Jones left this Conference he left on his own terms after re-elected a second term. When Jones left, teacher morale was very high. These are the FACTS on Superintendent Frank Jones.

    In closing, TFS, I remember the t.v. series called Dragnet. The deceased Joe Friday, the star, had this saying when interviewing a witness– “nothing but the facts ma-am.” Please keep us informed with the facts. But, by all means take your hiatus.

    Have a Blessed Day Everyone!


    • Anonymous says:


      I can’t speak for the slick tactics the Union used but I can say this:

      I believe as an eyewitness, that no one knew of bg3’s behavior at other schools. Educationally he was qualified for this position. We should have had a head’s up when bg2 discretely handed out his own son’s resume and then placed his name on the board without being nominated. There may have been hundreds of resumes turned in from all over the NAD and the world, but only three did bg2 pass out.

      What I sincerely think I witness was a father trying to save his son who needed a job to support his family. I cannot blame him in his desperation and in a nervous moment did some things that were certainly unacceptable. BG2 put his job and intergrity on the line for his son, something I might have done. What greater love a father has for his son?

      This issue should not be about BG2 but about whether BG3 is a good choice to be Education Administrator.


      • Wait n See says:

        News flash!! Don’t expect anything to change in the education and secretariat, those two names have sentimental attachments to Walkins! There’s a history there!!


      • Back Field In Motion says:

        Wait and see

        I voted for Watkins and his association with these two worries me about his judgement.


      • Anonymous says:

        This blog is fine but do not state untruths. BG2 DID NOT pass out BG3 resume. THAT’S A LIE. Individuals were asked to send resumes to the union office, to Larry Moore. he had them. He didn’t even pass it out until someone asked if he received it and at that point he went and got it. So please state facts.


    • I LOVE THE SWRC says:

      Were you there? Half of what you said is true but the other part is not. When they got to bg3’s name bg2 started passing out his resume. THEN someone pointed out were there more resumes. Some did confront him regarding placing his son’s name on the board.

      The President said their were a great number of resumes sent in but NONE of them were presented except 3 for the entire nominating process.


  21. Jonah 77 says:

    @ Amazed Anonymous,

    No one has said that BG3 is a bad person and the comments about the location about where is children go to school should be omitted. However, the fact remains that his Daddy, knowing as you say, “the mean spirit of the SWRC” decided to play his only chips and get his son a job after his fourth second chance. Also, when you are a school administrator, they don’t pay you or give you that job so that when your teacher commits a crime you can say, “well, I didn’t know.” In todays society, more people get into trouble and fired for WHAT THEY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN. The circumstances of his situation are absolutely relevant for discussion and If I were his father knowing that his resume is up for discussion, I would not have submitted him to this scrutiny. BG2 is just as responsible. We can’t preach Adventist education and then take the Union Reject to be our top guy. The hypocrisy is incredible. I mean BG2 was passing out his grown, adult, son’s resume, got him nominated and then elected. Its the process that is corrupt. Knowing this, his son, elated, made a Facebook Post basically bragging about the selection. The Union gave us Sam Green, who was the worst President we ever had in over 60 years maybe ever. Why take the chance on someone who has proven he can’t handle a school and may turn a possible blind eye or does not have the pulse of his subordinates or their conduct?

    Speaking of Sam Green, it is my opinion that he will try to get the Dallas Fellowship Church as a Golden Parachute in an attempt to finish his career. Well that would be real convenient for him I guess after dismissing senior ministers and giving Meyers 3 churches over 50 of miles from each other. When the Executive Committee is discussing the next moves, Elder Green should not be given a reward for running this conference into the ground. Also, Calvin Watkins while newly elected has a opportunity to make things right. However, I reserve judgement. I said the same thing about Elder Green and he was not a leader. He delegated his authority out to others and could not make the tough decision. It is widely known that Elder Green wants Dallas Fellowship and how mean spirited is it that when you work over 30 years that you don’t allow people to retire with dignity. Maybe he should drive to Palestine or Corsicana, or maybe the Union will take him as Secretary. Either way, the wrongs that he did to Elder Meyers because he was against the buy out should be undone. The fact of the matter is, he didn’t have to punish anyone. He did it simply because he could. So, sure, the legacy of Sam Green, which is utterly rejected, should not be allowed a Golden Parachute to land where he wants.

    My challenge to Calvin Watkins is simple: What are you going to do with your Senior Men? Right now you have a guy who was punished by Elder Green and driving all over Texas because he stood up for his peers, who by the way did not stand up for him. Is that what you stand for? I don’t think you can fix all problems immediately but certainly you can right and relook whats wrong. You can write an open letter to this blog. You can reach out to those who supported you here and be transparent. But, everyone wants something. So your resume may be outstanding and you may be the most qualified, but until you can prove you are a leader that can solve problems and not create them, the constituents have the right to challenge and question. But I pray for your success and wish you the best while others may wish to see you fail it is in the interest of all that you succeed.

    What Say You?

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Anonymous says:

    Now scrolling through the comments since last week and I am just in a total WOW! This new Superintendent is now the buzz. Why wasn’t this information shared earlier? Is that why his section was so rushed at the constituency. What about him stating he was Superintendent an hour before he actually got the job?

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ remember……
    Lucifer’s covert actions blinded many angels to God’s love. The resulting discontent and disloyalty to God’s government grew until one third of the angelic host joined him in rebellion (Rev. 12:4). The tranquility of God’s kingdom was shattered and “war broke out in heaven” (Rev. 12:7). The celestial warfare issued in Satan, depicted as the great dragon, the ancient serpent, and the devil, being “cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him” (Rev. 12:9).

    What are we going to have left for this and the future generation after Griffith has left our Education Department in shambles?


  23. Anonymous says:

    Like Sister Girl said “If they did they would have cleaned out the entire office and never elected the Buford Griffin shenanigan.”

    Thank you Back Field in Motion!!! That person “Anonymous” who claims to be amazed has no evidence or proof.

    So let me set the record straight. After BF3 was placed on administrative leave for misconduct from Arlington ISD he was not REHIRED!!!! He didn’t decide to try our school system. HE HAD NO JOB. BF2 is the one that pushed his name in our Texas Conference for his son. He became principal at Burton with no prior SDA background or service. At Burton, he was unprofessional and inefficient. Our enrollment dropped during his tenure. Every school board wants to control everything not just Burton. When he got involved in the scandal it was easier to hence not REHIRE him yet again. Then we went on and drove trucks after not being able to get a job! His last job with another SDA school in Michigan only lasted one year. There he was yet again inefficient, ineffective, and inferior to our requirements. If you can’t fulfill your job as a teacher however can you make it as a Superintendent?

    I sincerely believe that BF2 pushed his name into your conference because BF3 is again UNEMPLOYED!!!! You say “mean spiritness” is that why his BF3 was front and center with the nominating committee!

    I checked his Facebook account and it does state at Sunday 2:00 p.m. he became SWRGC Superintendent. How can that be when his position was not voted in until after 3!!!!!

    Obviously, Anonymous you are blinded and refuse to see the truth for what it is!!!!


    • HoldStrong says:

      Yes! You are correct! I did check his FB account and BF3 states at 2:00 p.m. Sunday he was Superintendent. What I don’t understand is that his section did not happen until after 3! We were at lunch around that time! How does one have a title before it goes to the delegates?????? TFS we should be able to upload this evidence. I saved a picture of it just in case he deletes it!


  24. Sister Girl says:

    Well I’m back again. I have someone that corrects my typing and types for me. I got embarrassed the last time I got on here, because my friend was told to not change my personality in my language, but because it was offensive, I have it typed now. Well, I tried to get some minister’s wives to talk to me before constituency but they ask me to quit, so I did. OK, we need Craig, Left Behind, Dolomite 9, some more of Winston, and bloggers from the past and people from other conferences who know stuff. There are people in the office who know about everything but are not going to inform us. They want to keep their jobs and can you blame them? I believe the people in the office don’t get along at all, watching how they interacted Sunday.

    One of the constituents brought up about someone being in the office over 10 years. But she must have forgotten about Durandel, over 30 years and he did not give a report and did not volunteer to come up, after his name was called. The Former President should have called him up and let him read from the book if he needed to. Anybody looking at the performance from the Union on down, know we had a poor performance in leadership and it was uncalled for. SDAs we are remarkable in running stuff, in fact we are the best. I was a guest at the NAD CALLED, that was the best I have ever seen us put together.

    What was sad, was to see James Cox, Helvius Thompson, other senior pastors, extremely qualified be overlooked. They were trying their best to have influence but they were simply outnumbered by the previous politics that was thought to get Davis and Weegar in. I’m thinking that was a total backfire as we have heard nothing from Gordon Jones. Believe me readers, the blog has been the savior in this political scenario. And if we all contribute what we know, God’s will, will be done.

    As I stated before you have Michael Meyers the best organizer and manager this conference will ever see. Helvius Thompson, the best preacher and evangelist this conference will ever see. Calvin Watkins does not have nothing on these guys, one, is because they are from here. James Cox, an evangelist in his own right. I’m talking about the men who have built this conference. Stephen Brooks, who is he? You see what I mean. Even Eddie Polite, he has been here before, but he has had some issues, there are people that know that.

    I finally figured out why they have been overlooked. They have never supported each other. They have never been fair to each other. I believe now, but I did not before believe they have been hypocrites and backstabbers. I watched what happened to Davis and Weegar even after being told they were not supported by their peers they forged ahead for the vote and would have accepted the positions even though they knew that would have made their peers angry. Well, that is what I mean. After years of tearing down each other because we the constituents and executive committees have been unfair to them. They get sent to outrageous places like Meyers, because of their own vindictiveness. They have never been promoted fairly. People like Stephen Brooks who does not deserve the secretary position gets it because the new President asks for it. Thats the same crap thats been going on. Like I said, I have been here before these preachers were born. I have seen it all.

    I urge the new President to come to the SWRGC and reorganize his staff. Pay attention to the blog, get in contact with the TFS I know the TFS has more info than we know but uses discretion and careful in printing material that is scandalous. I feel the TFS is a former worker or is a group of current workers. Nobody knows, but none of their statements have ever been refuted. They are very responsible. If the new President wants to move this conference forward and get the credit for it then change the positions. Meyers is the best one for the secretary, hands down, don’t take my word for it ask the guys, they trust him, first he knows what to do and you will never hear him boastful, he likes to work and works hard and unfortunately nobody knows him because I have never known him to talk to anybody. But while Stephen Brooks is thinking about what to do, Meyers knows what to do, in fact he should have your job. Eddie Polite may know what to do, but what people are saying about him I feel is true, he is aloof, quiet to himself and these preachers need someone who will communicate. Thompson is your man for that. He should be called the preacher’s preacher by the way James Cox could work too. Polite has done some outstanding community work, I heard about it, replace Durandel Ford with him. Find something for your Stephen Brooks, but stop the unfair promotion of people. People here will really respect you for that and finally feel they have someone who is making their own decisions. Everyone already knows that Durandel Ford and James Cox wanted you and the pushback was people did not want you because they did. They have been misguided for years but that does not mean they can’t run this conference. They can run it as good as you are better than you. I have full confidence in the senior men I have mentioned. They just have not been fair and they are paying for it (the rat pack, all that info is correct) IT’S FUNNY BUT ITS true, but that does not mean it totally disqualifies you if you have skills and they do). Don’t be afraid, make the changes you need and the conference will prosper. If stuff starts going south, just remember you heard it from sister girl first. I have been watching this conference for years. The worst thing that can happen at this point is no one talking to the preachers your main FIELD WORKERS who deal with us. WRIGHT did not talk to the preachers. GREEN did not only not talk to the preachers, he could not even deal with his staff. Thompson or Meyers could unite the preachers and you could too, but you don’t even know them. DO THE RIGHT THING!

    I have mentioned only qualified and capable for sure leaders. You can ask a thousand people and they may not like them, but the preachers will not tell you no lie, Get em all together and don’t tell them, but ask them on the spot so they do not have time to politicize they will confirm who I mentioned as the best qualified is true. They are just like crabs. They resent highly people like Brooks, Davis and Weegar moving ahead of them. Simply they don’t deserve it. For the first time, they united behind Davis and Weegar and that is the only reason they did not get it. There was a political movement with the Frat brothers going o n for the last 2 years, but it backfired. It was designed to dump the senior guys and part of it worked. I’m just like constutuent, the members of the constituency dos not know what is going on, If they did they would have cleaned out the entire office and never elected the Buford Griffin shenanigan.



  25. Anonymous says:

    Wow. This is amazing. I appreciated the updates of the newly elected conference officials from this blog, but I certainly do not appreciate the ugly statements about the elected officials. Maybe God was not listening to your prays concerning the individuals you wanted in office.

    Amazing at the horrible things you have said about the newly elected school superintendent. His children are not attending an Adventist school, really, have you voiced a concern about the many SWRC pastors whose children, when school aged, never attended our SWRC schools. BGIII was a VP at Arlington High School for thirteen years, responsible for more children than SWRC conference has had in probably ten years. So he decides to try our school system, maybe hoping to enhance our school. It didn’t work out for him. If your children attended Burton, you would know the school board has always wanted to control everything, very hard to work with Burton’s school board. Also does someone know for a fact that BGIII knew about the criminal behaviour of his school teacher? Really, do you think a former VP in the public school system who knows this behaviour is serious and a criminal offence, would simple ignore this. Why would he? Lastly, you must not know his father too well. Elder Griffith has seen the mean spiritness of this conference. Do you think he would encourage his son to work for SWRC. He may have encouraged him not to consider this position. But his son is a grown man.

    This blog should be encouraging all to fast and pray. God is still God and He is in control. You may not like all those who were selected, but you can pray for them.


    • Anonymous says:

      Well we all can see who is blinded or refuse to see the truth with regards to Griffith!


    • Back Field In Motion says:

      Why are you blaming the blog? You are reading opinions and those who are commenting may not represent the position of this blog and writers. So, if you disagree state your reasons and give your opinion. You have done this. This is an opinion blog. You exercised your free speech.

      If you have credible facts that dispute these opinions then you should post them, make replies or right an article for the blog defending bg3. I am sure the TFS will post it.

      Thank you for you comment


  26. AN EYEWITNESS says:

    Let me be clear:

    Fact 1: Calvin Watkins, before you think someone is on your side be careful. Everyone who calls you and says, “congratulations many not really mean it. Here’s the fact; Stephen Brooks never did anything toward your election. He said nothing and is just as responsible for terminations, relocations and retirements as the Administrators. But some men and women did. For instance, this blog by reporting the facts and allowed a free discussion helped turn the tide. A fair and balanced discussion took place. This is unprecendented in denominational history! You should recognize the power of social media and where members get their information. The GC has recognized this! Will you deny it as some did by calling it Satan? The Stats indicate from this blog a major, major impact on this election. Everybody has an opinion and want to be heard.

    Fact 2: The work that Helvius Thompson contributed was valuable. I don’t think people should think negatively about him taking the mike on several occasions because Davis had said the he was “unelectable.” Now Davis is not only unelectable but not Secretary. Tony the Tiger did what he had to do and showed real leadership as a senior pastor. Yes, he should be considered for something before he retires!

    Fact 3: As equal as TT, Michael Meyers never gets any credit for what he (and his wife) has done in support for pastors and your election. He is actually someone who really stood for Pastors. No one on the list I heard about for Ministerial stood for pastors like Meyers. Pastors, you should be ashamed for not standing for him. He really supported pastors and was a real Association Leader who got something done. Yes, I read G. Jone’s report and he took credit for something he did not do. Can Meyers ever get a break?

    Fact 3: I have to give some kudos and credit to James Cox because for the first time I saw something that he did that that was humble–he got up and shook the hand of Meyers and Meyers shook his hand. God brought these two men together who have been upset with each other over a few years. Build on this! This was significant for future progress. I did not think that Cox could do something like that! I witnessed it and my eye balls almost fell out of my sockets.

    Fact 4: The senior men whipped the Fraternity Brothers. How? They came together and led out in reversing the nominations and leading members to refer the two names back to the Committee. We had not seen this in years. But the NAD and the SW Union recognized it.

    Fact 5: Extend the present number of the Executive Committee for representation for Africans, Hispanics and other minorities and because the North Central Texas delegation lost Truman for West Texas, put Pastor Truman Bryant back on the Executive Committee. He deserves to be back on.

    Fact 6: The Constituents/members were in charge of this session and made the right decisions before things began to break down after 2 PM. They deserve to be informed, consulted and see transparent leadership at work. Don’t make the mistakes of the now former President.

    Fact 7: Pastor Winston Stanley demonstrated leadership and courage with out flinching whether you agree with him or not. Stanley put education out in front of the Constituents. He should have a place at the table in regard to the future of education in the SWRGC.



  27. CONSTITUENT says:


    Well, if all the information is now going to come out about people, then let it all out. Several people on the committee have accounting backgrounds and have spoken to ministers and lay people about Terry Foster. Many people wanted a clean sweep. I know why. 3 ministers told me he said he was the one who designed the minister buyout program that was aimed at older ministers (not only wreckless, but the President I feel was misled by him, and he is just as guilty, because he did not give the ministers at least a chance to talk about it and decide if they wanted to take a paycut rather than let ministers who have worked their lives here be forced to retirement and cut). If he designed it and the President approved it along with the Treasury, they should all go. Not just because it was wrong, but it was and is ILLEGAL. You cannot discriminate against older workers like that. They passed a law against this. What’s even worse, I know the NAD knew about this and they stood silent too. You know, we are a better church than this. If the new president does not deal with these issues, he will be shortlived. Because we are watching.

    Also, one of the nominating committee members told me that he came with only 1 vote of being voted out, it was a tie and Buford Griffin broke the tie to keep him. Now, my sources told me we don’t know everything about him. Some say he is chauvinistic. Some say there is evidence there was a choking incident against a woman that happened and they do not want him because of this.

    A minister’s wife told me she had a run in with him and he definitely should not be in office. If the minister’s want talk, you know their wives are not going to tell anything. So, we are back to anonymous people informing us. There were a lot of people that were just frustrated about that election Sunday. When the Buford Griffin thing came up and got brushed over, the people that knew about his stuff and you know the Union knew because it was the school at Burton where this fiasco took place.
    I appreciate our people being respectful though. Because I had heard that there was going to be a big outrage on that nomination. So, if you don’t want to put out stuff on the blog, then call the appropriate officials and get it all out so the Executive committee can deal with it properly.

    MY THOUGHTS are that at least 3-5 adventist principals and school administrators and retired public administrators live in the area. Invite them to a luncheon and let them help recommend changes for the schools. Do not judge Griffin or anyone else on their choice for education for their child. There is no way I would put my child in an inferior school, I would just have to look for another job.
    TERRY FOSTER, bad news. Deal with it bloggers!


  28. Winston B. Stanley says:

    With what I have read relative to the elected superintendent, I will address an email of concern to the Union president Larry Moore and the Union Education Director and cc Buford Griffith II. Right now it’s water under the bridge as we say, but the elected new Superintendent has been colored before he enters the doors and sit in his chair on Lanark Ave. If I have Watkins email address he would receive that same transmission. I am embarrassed for our Conference.


  29. Anonymous says:

    Very disturbing information! TFS what are we doing with regards to Griffith? I’m glad that the NAD is involved now.


    • Back Field In Motion says:

      Hopefully there will be an investigation. I’m sure BG2 will do all that he can to block it. I feel his father’s’ pain when he wants to help his son but he should have laid back and let someone else carry the ball. We should not be hard on RG2.

      Liked by 1 person

  30. Mrs. Servant Leader says:

    Well there you have it TFS you have to keep blogging now because this matter has to be addressed with the Griffith. Winston Stanley is correct…as we speak his children need to be enrolled in our school furthermore these other issues stated here need to be addressed. I still wished that folks who usually reply to your posts would have said something…


    • Anonymous says:

      After reading the constant disturbing information about Griffith II and III an email was sent to the NAD Secretariat! Our member’s voices MUST be heard! We wanted new administration and not corrupt!!!

      Good Evening Mr. Secretariat:

      It is with a heavy heart that I send this email. My concerns are with the proceedings with the election of Buford Griffith III. Delegates had many concerns with this nomination but we were not heard on the floor. It was quickly brushed away. Further investigation led to this:

      Here Is What Happened says:
      September 21, 2015 at 8:13 pm
      This is an emotional reply. I was in the upper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.
      What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.
      Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end the chair’s voice became tired to the point that we could not understand him.
      He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.
      Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!

      If this comment is true it should be further investigated. It seems as though rules and procedures were followed until you left. Members are voicing their disappointment at this distasteful conduct as many are afraid to speak up. You can view this information at
      Further investigation revealed that he’s only there because his father (right hand to the Union President) pushed his name because his son was unemployed. Why weren’t the delegates given that information or the rest that follows???
      He worked 13+ years for Arlington ISD and they refused to hire him back. Why? Then he went to Burton in Texas Conference and knew about the teacher having relationships with a minor. The enrollment declined there with him. Burton made the news for this incident! Got removed from there.
      Then went to an SDA school in Michigan for a year and got fired from there!!!
      Two years Adventist educational services qualifies you to become Superintendent!!!! Wow!!! What have we come to!
      Lastly, the position was not passed after 3:00 p.m. yesterday. However, Mr. Griffith Facebook status was updated at 2:00 that he was the Superintendent (please see attachment). Everything about this particular proceeding screams corrupt.
      SWRGC already has its fair share of issues and we as its tithe giving members need our voices to be heard with this particular situation.
      Members in Christ!


  31. Explain says:

    The position was not voted in until after 3:00 p.m



    Here Is What Happened says:
    September 21, 2015 at 8:13 pm
    This is an emotional reply. I was in the uuper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.

    What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.

    Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end

    He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.”

    Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!


  32. LovetheLord says:

    Dr. Stanley


    Here Is What Happened says:
    September 21, 2015 at 8:13 pm
    This is an emotional reply. I was in the uuper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.

    What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.

    Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end the chair’s voice became tired to the point that we could not understand him.

    He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.

    Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!


  33. Anonymous says:

    Dr. Stanley


    Here Is What Happened says:
    September 21, 2015 at 8:13 pm
    This is an emotional reply. I was in the uuper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.

    What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.

    Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end the chair’s voice became tired to the point that we could not understand him.

    He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.

    Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!


  34. Winston Stanley says:

    Quit shocked by the Griffith revelation. I was wondering why he garnered as many voted as he did. Quite shocked and more-so embarrassed for SWRGC. On his resume there was no consistency for the last three years and if I am correct he was delivering materials to building sites. Our last two superintendents were plucked from school assignments. One stipulation for teachers in SWRGC is that their children (if grade school level) must attend Adventist institutions. Did I read correctly that neither of his kids are in Adventist schools? If so, he should not be allowed to lead according to our own policy. As far as I am concerned he cannot lead.


    • Anonymous says:

      Neither of his kids! The son attends public school. The daughter is in college and attends Abilene Christian University. It amazes me that we have both SWAU and Oakwood both university that the SWRGC supports. However both Griffin II and III claims to support Adventist Education but where are their flocks???? Oh! Not in SDA education for sure!


  35. Jonah 77 says:

    Amazing. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Really hard to see the outcome. At least the President may bring order. Maybe. I heard there were some very Senior Men overlooked. They say that politics was at its finest hour for 48 hours. How can men with 7-8 years of experience remain silent and watch their mentors be passed over? Crabs in a barrel? What if anything did the Senior Men accomplish yesterday? Nothing…The clock over your heads still counts down. Gordon Jones plan was foiled as his peers were utterly rejected and even warned of an open rejection. And while the many on this blog endorsed Helvious Thompson, to include myself, my sources tell me that he was seen working the phones in the halls and making calls just as if he had accepted an honorary invitation to join the new “Frat Pack”! After he successfully disposed of Roger Benard, he most likely secured his position at his church by maneuvering many to push for the Secretary. Sad. Survival is what our people do. All the while, the Union laughs at our poor attempt at organization. Griffin’s son is the most agregious case of conflict of interest I’ve ever seen. He is on his 4th second chance. Maybe it was late and they didn’t read the name right. Horrible! Politics 101. “Oh how the mighty have fallen…”

    What Say You?


  36. LovetheLord says:

    The delegates and I knew nothing about this man Griffith except for his father. He sang beautifully. Rams name was not there and his name was. So we voted for him. If we had known this information a majority of the votes would have resent his name. This needs to go to the Executive Committee for a full investigation. Members speak up as we were falsely guided. I’m petitioning this….we were commanded to lead children to Christ and I fear we have made a wrongful choice!


    • Anonymous says:

      This system was so RIGGED, it’s shameful. The many people who showed up early was just an accomodation. The people’ s voices were silenced. Great job union pre….how long are we going to be manipulated? Where are the lawyers? Let us expose this conspiracy.


    • Anonymous says:

      Best of luck with that idea lovetheLord


  37. Call a spade a spade! says:

    Griffin should have been a big REJECT also!!!!

    He’s only there because his father pushed his name because his son had no job. Why weren’t the delegates given the information???
    He worked 13+ years for Arlington ISD that refused to hire him back. Why? Then he went to Burton in Texas Conference and knew about the teacher having relationships with a minor. The enrollment declined there with him. Got removed from there.
    Then went to an SDA school in Michigan for a year and got fired from there!!!
    Two years Adventist educational services qualifies you to become Superintendent!!!! Wow!!! What have we come to!
    I guess all we can take in the SWRGC are the SCRAPS!!!! THE LEFTOVERS!!!
    Sadly, the teachers and students will pay for this horrific mistake!
    With Griffin as Superintendent the enrollment will be non existent! Oh! SWRGC must have the money to settle out of court for another one of his mistakes like Texas Conference!


    • Anonymous says:

      The process is frustrating….you present your one sided covnversation to the nominating committee because all they did was listen to you. You are not allowed to say anything on the floor. So what other option do you have in sharing information.


  38. Mrs. Servant Leader says:

    I think your consideration for a hiatus is a wise one. Even if it is just short. Of course for the purposes of allowing some time for the new administration to get their feet wet. I can’t imagine what the immediate blogging would be about since the purpose of the blog is not just to ramble.


  39. Just Nick says:

    Keep blogging.

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