Robert Davis Voted Down Overwhelmingly by Constituents

It’s unfortunate, but I do think I was the one who suggested that the committee rethink this nomination. Constituents referred this position back to the committee for consideration by overwhelming vote. I hope Pastor Davis considers this message and rethinks his approach with his brethren with humility.

About The Forgotten Shepherdess

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29 Responses to Robert Davis Voted Down Overwhelmingly by Constituents

  1. Anonymous says:

    “It is such messages as these men have borne that divide the church, and put us to shame before the enemies of truth, and in such messages is plainly revealed the specious working of the great deceiver, who would hinder the church from attaining unto perfection.” Ellen White

    For Griffith II and III…..God doesn’t like ugly!


  2. Anonymous says:


    Here Is What Happened says:
    September 21, 2015 at 8:13 pm
    This is an emotional reply. I was in the uuper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.

    What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.

    Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end the chair’s voice became tired to the point that we could not understand him.

    He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.

    Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!


  3. LovetheLord says:

    The delegates and I knew nothing about this man Griffith except for his father. He sang beautifully. Rams name was not there and his name was. So we voted for him. If we had known this information a majority of the votes would have resent his name. This needs to go to the Executive Committee for a full investigation. Members speak up as we were falsely guided. I’m petitioning this….we were commanded to lead children to Christ and I fear we have made a wrongful choice!


  4. Jonah 77 says:

    Amazing. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Really hard to see the outcome. At least the President may bring order. Maybe. I heard there were some very Senior Men overlooked. They say that politics was at its finest hour for 48 hours. How can men with 7-8 years of experience remain silent and watch their mentors be passed over? Crabs in a barrel? What if anything did the Senior Men accomplish yesterday? Nothing…The clock over your heads still counts down. Gordon Jones plan was foiled as his peers were utterly rejected and even warned of an open rejection. And while the many on this blog endorsed Helvious Thompson, to include myself, my sources tell me that he was seen working the phones in the halls and making calls just as if he had accepted an honorary invitation to join the new “Frat Pack”! After he successfully disposed of Roger Benard, he most likely secured his position at his church by maneuvering many to push for the Secretary. Sad. Survival is what our people do. All the while, the Union laughs at our poor attempt at organization. Griffin’s son is the most agregious case of conflict of interest I’ve ever seen. He is on his 4th second chance. Maybe it was late and they didn’t read the name right. Horrible! Politics 101. “Oh how the mighty have fallen…”

    What Say You?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Call a spade a spade! says:

    Theforgottenshepherdess NO ACCUSATIONS HERE. If you are in the education affairs then nothing about his background stated by me is false!!!


  6. Truth says:

    CONSTITUENT…I’m sure Griffin/ Griffith father made sure that the nominating committee did not know about all these problems. And if they did shame on them for deceiving the delegates! The devil took one third of the angels!

    I cold heartily agree with Spade:
    “Griffin as Superintendent the enrollment will be non existent! Oh! SWRGC must have the money to settle out of court for another one of his mistakes like Texas Conference!”

    I guess we need more tithe eathers and financial loss in SWRGC!!!!


  7. Truth says:


    It seems like the delegates were misinformed for a reason!!!!

    Back to Frank Jones days and all the educational tithes disappearing!!!!!!


  8. Call a spade a spade! says:

    Two years Adventist educational services qualifies you to become Superintendent!!!! Wow!!! What have we come to!
    I guess all we can take in the SWRGC are the SCRAPS!!!! THE LEFTOVERS!!!
    Sadly, the teachers and students will pay for this horrific mistake!
    With Griffin as Superintendent the enrollment will be non existent! Oh! SWRGC must have the money to settle out of court for another one of his mistakes like Texas Conference!


  9. CONSTITUENT says:

    I was there yesterday, I FELT the disenfranchisement that the teachers felt, that the hispanic constituents felt, the senior ministers felt and the empowerment that the political wheelers and dealers felt, because they won. I am appealing to the teachers, the hispanics and the left out preachers to invest your time and interest in telling your stories to this blog. Why? because I noticed the people contacting the blog yesterday numbered 3-4000 because of the constituency.

    YESTERDAY, was the worst managed constituency that I can remember, It amounted to, WE did not amount to nothing. The establishment (white People) I mean Larry Moore, got tired of dealing with us, but that does not mean Buford Griffin would have done any different. He single handily maneuvered his son’s nomination all the way from the nominating committee until election and no one suspected any different. In observing both of our races with of course cultural differences. They (white people deal with incompetency differently) It is my belief that we can make good choices when we have the facts. The blog gave us the facts about this past administration and we voted accordingly. The blog informed us of the strategic plan flaws and the rat pack trying to put in Buddy Bird all that failed because the blog alerted us! So, what am I saying. If you feel that no one knows your issues then tell us. You can do so by writing the blog anonymously or using another name. Our writings no matter what people think of us become our personality and we talk to each other. I never put in my e-mail and my writing is posted. I feared doing so at first, but then I recognized I am one of many that influence others in their thinking and I help increase awareness.
    I would especially like to hear from our latin friends because I love them being a part of our group. And I also understand they were sending us a message yesterday. The message is that they are a force and need to be heard and if you will not hear them, they are going to leave. DID you get that new officers? Well you better, because an already failing financial system is getting ready to be devasted if they pull out. We cannot afford to keep failing, because of selfish people leading us.
    And for those who could and should speak for us, like Sam Beale, just stop it if you will not follow through. You caused a mess-up of the Constitution-by-laws without bringing up what needed to be changed and move on. So, all the money spent by decent and just as smart people like yourself did not even have a chance because people who respect attorney Beale knocked it down because you said so! What? That’s what I am talking about. When God blesses you to be a leader, work for the good. We also have other leaders on the video who have done nothing, but got elected because we like them. WHAT? Durandel did not even participate in a video with a 2 week video window to do this. What does that say about him. He did not value his constituents. He has been in that office for over 30 years. HE DID NOT GIVE A REPORT. People started laughing when Charles Sanders started his report on video. HE said nothing, just unprofessional grinning. I CALL ALL THE PAST ADMINISTRATION TITHE EATERS. And please constituents, this goes on in other conferences also. The people who deserve to lead out never get a chance because the bullies always win. The rat pack in case you new readers don’t know them are BULLIES. They have been running this conference since the Jones days. Just read the blog stories on the rat pack and call a reliable minister and they will tell you who they are. If they say they don’t know. Call Winston Stanley, he will tell you.

    MY message to the new President. Keep reading the blog if you want to know the truth about what is going on. I have been watching a twist of events, so I know you are involved in our politics. All we can hope for is that you will be fair. We have had no fairness in many years.

    Teachers, no one knows nothing about your situation. Winston was about to speak for you. But the brass shut him down. By the way, where were you as a group yesterday? I’m sorry, but just like the sorry Senior Pastors, you are waiting for a knight in shining armor to save you. If you can’t speak out and give our kids a chance, just Quit. Nobody wants their kids in inferior schools!
    IT’S not just about christian education, it’s about a quality education.
    LATIN PEOPLE- Nobody knows your issues, a forum of the entire body should have heard your concerns because you are a minority and the body is not informed. You still have a chance to have influence on a leader by informing the blog. You do not have to use your name. Union and conference officials read this blog from many conferences. Come to the next executive committee
    meeting and let the new conference president know and I think you will be able to resolve your concern. It needs to be legitimate and based on facts not politics.

    Well, to the readers like myself. We all know nothing, unless you tell us. The TFS has to depend on the sources they have and the regulars like me. Appreciate if you comment.

    I would like to hear the opinion on what people besides myself felt about the long-awaited constituency yesterday.

    Please comment on the conduct of the following yesterday:

    Larry Moore
    Alvin Kibble
    Buford Griffin
    The video
    Natasha Gregg
    THE nominating committee
    Speakers at the microphone

    This is how we learn, This is how we improve. Maybe the TFS could do a poll. It works. Maybe we can change for fairness next time.

    But if we let the blog die like we did after the last election, we are the actual losers. I AM A CONSTITUENT, as I stated, I’m not from any group, I just like fairness for all so our conference can prosper once again. We are all stakeholders.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous says:

      The nominating committee wasted their time and the constituency time from 730 to 9 am. It was a joke what they did. Listen to you so that you felt that your burden was lifted, to discover shortly what you said did not change anything. Waste of time!


      • Here Is What Happened says:

        This is an emotional reply. I was in the uuper room. I may not have agreed with all the decisions but one thing I can say, “We listened, we heard and reacted to the requests and 2 minute speeches given during the 7:30 – 9am period. It was worth it.

        What happened was that the chair became tired and sloppy at the end after the NAD leaders departed and then things began when they left.

        Here is why I reveal this to you. The concept to refer a nominee back was a response that we heard the people and were not satisfied with that name. So, the constituents were in charge as to what they wanted. But when things got sloppy at the end the chair’s voice became tired to the point that we could not understand him.

        He could have allowed a statement on BG3 like this: “Because of information we have received about BG3’s work as an administrator, we refer this name back to the committee for further consideration.” A chosen spokes person with delegation of support could have addressed the Committee. But the President wanted to rush and get out of there.

        Now , the person who referred the name back should have been able to be heard!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Why and how could a chairman allow this type of confusion?


      • Anonymous says:

        The Forgotten Shepherdess because the Chairman right hand man is BUFORD GRIFFITH Sr. NEPOTISM


    • Anonymous says:

      The microphone award goes to Helvis Thompson! That man worked the microphone! If I didn’t know better I would say that he was worming his way to get something! He knew first hand all that was happening on the nominating committee his member who was the secretary keep him abreast!


    • Thank you for sharing I am also interested in what others have to say


  10. Back Field In Motion says:

    The truth is that the Union President appeared like a failing rock. Inexperien ed. He could have allowed information about BG3 to come out conerring his Administrative Leave and other educational failures, but the president did not permit it because of BG3″s father. If the facts had been revealed BG3 WOULD HAVE BEEN HISTORY.


  11. Mrs. Servant Leader says:

    Simple question….why reveal these things after sun has set on the elections??? I was thrilled to see how empowered the delegates were. Most names that this blog named as questionable were voted DOWN. Thank the Lord! The attempt was made to vote down Griffin but there just weren’t enough votes. If indeed these are truths worth of delegates knowledge who read this blog then it would have been nice if they could be read on the eve of the elections.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Truth says:

    You are right spade! Griffin daughter does not even attend a SDA University! What does that tell you as a member? Where are his priorities? How can we expect him to lead because he CAN’T!


    • Anonymous says:

      He also has a son attending elementary public school.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Back Field In Motion says:


      Although I agree with you concerning this election and a lot is unknown, BG3 is not a minister and he has the right as well as his daughter/sons to go to the schools of their choice.

      I would not send my children to any school that might be inferior just because it is SDA.

      The issue is whether BG3 has the skill set to lead the schools in the 21st century and increase the the number of schools by the next election.

      I think adventist education is becoming irrelevant because it has deviated from its original purpose. If an educator has failed everywhere else and has been given leave from other schools how can we expect him to be successful in four years!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anonymous says:

        You seem to be contradicting yourself. How can Adventist Ed. Be better if our LEADERS are not sending their children to our institution? You go on the pulpit and preach one thing but in reality you do something else. Adv. Ed. Is good for your constituents but not for you. What do we call that? Do as I say but not as I do!!!


      • Back F says:


        I see your point. But BG3 is not a preacher. SDA education is not a one size fits all. Some children need sports and a different set up. They can’t adjust and end up with resentment. BE REAL!


  13. Call a spade a spade! says:

    Griffin should have been a big rethink also!!!

    Griffin from the Union nominated his son for the education position. The same son that worked 13+ for Arlington ISD that refused to hire him back. I wonder why??? Then he went to Burton and knew about the teacher having relationships with a minor. Got removed from there. Then went to an SDA school in Michigan and got fired from there!!! Yet you voted in someone inefficient to lead our education system! Very sad day indeed!


    • Anonymous says:

      I hope Griffin Sr. Is reading. You ought to ashamed of yourself. You make the Bible look like Aesop’s fables. What you did was so transparent, so glaring, so shameful, it reminds me so much of Judas.


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