Are You Really Ready to Get Married?

Revelation19:6-10: Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.”And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints. Then he said to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!’

To answer the question we need to understand what God designed a marriage to be. After you understand this, you can decide whether you should get married or not.

A marriage between a man and a woman is an institution with God as the guarantor. You can never fully know how it will work out. Individuals change and unforeseen circumstances happen. You enter into a marriage with God at the center. Couples, realize that it’s Jesus’ sacrifice that keeps marriages together for a lifetime. In scripture a marriage is expressed as a lasting partnership.

Jesus often alluded to the marriage institution when metaphorically He referred to it in regard to His Second Coming. We can find several examples in the Old Testament and New Testament. You can read these examples in your spare time. Matthew 22:1-1 which talks about marriage in the parable concerning the marital union of the king’s son. Then there is the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13 where Jesus describes the wise and foolish virgins that emphasize a continual vigilance and preparedness for His coming. Another example can be found in 2 Corinthians 11:2 where Paul writes: For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”

Jesus most likely emphasized the life-time nature and the structural union of marriage so that we would not be like the Pharisees who in their time were looking for reasons to dissolve and get rid of their wives. This was one of the underlying reasons Jesus addressed the issue of marriage and publically uplifted it as a sacred institution.

Hence, “a marriage is a life-time commitment guaranteed by God.”

God meant back then and still means in the present “forever” which means, “To have and to hold” until death dissolves the partnership.  I believe that the symbolic possible parallels of the life-time nature of a marriage between a man and a woman can be viewed in our passage of scripture. Therefore divorce is the inevitable consequence of a bad relationship.

Also it is clear that scripture confirms that a marriage is always referred to as a union between a man and woman and never woman to woman or man to man or civil unions (as in the national debate). Otherwise, the teaching in the New Testament would be marred.

Please write the above principle of marriage down. This did not come from flesh and blood, but from the biblically, ordained eternal principle of marriage confirmed from the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The analogy would be ineffective if John portrayed Christ marrying a bride, who was a man, who would later be his wife, who symbolically represented the Church. It doesn’t fit. It follows that a gay representation would have been an outrage of mammoth proportion to Christians and Jews of that time.

Another possible parallel when Christ the groom comes is that, he will not come to inherit multiple brides or a polygamous church. This might give the reader the idea that there could be churches with multiple beliefs in the end-time, a sign of disorder and confusion. At the end-time the called and the elect will constitute the true church possessing the revelation of God which is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. The true church will indeed have a pure doctrine that has not been compromised into multiple ones. The pure word unites all followers of Christ who are called to come out of end-time Babylon.

A last possible parallel that I see is that Jesus will not return to receive the woman who resides in a common-law relationship. This would be a relationship without commitment, illicit and not a marriage at all.

In conclusion, to get married or to be married involves the correct formula, a union between a man and a woman. Man to man, woman to woman, and civil unions are not biblically supported. Also and most important, a lifetime connection involves a clear understanding of a bible based meaning of marriage viewed through the Cross of Calvary. It’s forever! 

~A Ministerial Contributor of This Blog

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7 Responses to Are You Really Ready to Get Married?

  1. @scared_of_marriage I have called the calvary to get you some more advice. Thank you above contributor for your advice hold on scared_of_marriage more help is coming! Keep checking back in this forum.



    Scared to Death I feel your concern. I was scared to death at the very moment that I said “I do.” Having come from a divorced home, marriage was a scary thing for me. The children often get the blunt of the knife when a marriage breaks up.

    I assume that you read the article in its entirety. If you can agree on the points regarding the Bible’s teaching on marriage, you have gotten past the first step.

    The second step would be to answer the question: “Do I love her with all my heart?” If your answer is yes you have move passed the second step…

    Third, are you willing to accept her imperfections and is she willing to accept yours? If yes, you have moved passed this step…

    Fourth, have you been honest and told her everything about yourself, and has she done the same? If yes, move to the 5th step…

    Are you willing to share all your financial responsibilities with each other, past and present? If yes move on to the next step…

    Are you willing to set up a financial budget that would eliminate debt along with developing savings for future unexpected events? If yes, move on…
    Are you willing to answer the questions of where do I want to be, and where will both of us be in the next twenty years? And outline a process to get there. If yes move on…

    Are you forgiving people, especially when one of you falls short of expectation? If yes, move on…

    Are you willing to seek out professional, pre-marital counseling? If yes, move on…

    Are you willing to draw a circle around your marriage, keeping parents, family, and friends out of your business? This does not suggest not loving each other’s family or having a relationship with friends, but a barrier exists which means they can’t pass into your relationship and affect it.

    If you and your friend can answer yes to these questions then your option should be to get married. Most likely your marriage will not fail. In fact I have not seen one yet! What’s missing…when Jesus exists in each heart he will be in the marriage, GUARANTEED.
    Pre-marital cohabitation is not of God. It is sin. (Suggesting nothing)

    Keep in mind that life is always uncertain.


    • The Intercessor says:

      I couldn’t agree with you more and it’s all accurately based on the call and have been sent by God to a ministry of marriage, than as with all other works of Kingdom building you must wait on God. Ministry involves sacrifice, pain and suffering for we follow after Christ. Marriage is a ministry, husband and wife, to God FIRST, and to each other secondly.
      I also agree that God has made man for woman and vice versa. It is evident in all of creation that man and mand, woman and woman were never meant to be in an intimate relationship. It is quite the perversion, that’s only possible to the one being that God gave a mind, will, and soul, which encompasses the power to choose. You have never witness in all time since creation, two of the same gender species involved in sexual contact. “A male dog never sniff after another male dog, when it is evident that they are both males. No other insect, fish or animal, seeks after it’s on kind except one who has a mind that he may control, therefore homosexuality is a perversion of the mind and will, acting upon every devious thought and lustful desire of the flesh (emotions, mind, and will). Nothning spiritual can be found in these types of relationships. God has given us an example of Godly relationships in scripture. He never gave mentioned to a man loving a man or a woman loving a woman in a marriage or otherwise. However, He did call homosexuality an abomination. It’s quite clear where God stands on this issue as it is with all other sins. He hates them ALL.


      • firstangel1844 says:

        Intercessor: Thank you for taking a strong stand against SIN. I commend you for RIGHTEOUSNESS.

        Since we are sinners who have “sins” how should we treat people who are “different.” Because of SIN they were born into this world physiologically, psychologically different? They had no choice concerning how they were born

        If we condemn someone because of SIN that is born different and not condemn someone who was born without a physiological defect who openly practice adultery or fornication man to woman, woman to man, have we done Christ a real service?

        God hates SIN but he loves sinners! Shoudn’t we love them too?

        My question to you is…does God love gay people even though they are differen?

        Again, thank you for your stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS in a world that seems to show so little.


  3. scared_of_marriage says:

    My girlfriend and I have been dating for a while and I am afraid to take that next step. Sometimes I wonder if marriage is really for me. Although I don’t want to lose her because she is my best friend. We even thought about moving in together to take the next step which I know from reading the scriptures above would not be the right thing to do. My parents are divorced and I just have a hard time believing that marriage is forever. How can I get over this fear of committment? I don’t want to propose and get to the altar and change my mind that would destroy her.


  4. dolomite9 says:

    I really like and appreciate this!


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